The Nature of Healing : Heal the Body, Heal the Planet

The Nature of Healing : Heal the Body, Heal the Planet; Ma Rosanne Lindsay; Lindsay Publishing 2014

The nature of healing R LindsayIn today's 'age of technology, ' the costs of disease and disease rates have been escalating in all age groups with no end in sight. We have been focusing on treatments and searching for cures without understanding the cause of disease or the real nature of healing. Like art, healing is a work in progress as unique as the healer. As art imitates life, healing imitates nature.

The Nature of Healing is a journey without a destination. Your health today reflects every choice you make along the way, from the foods you choose for your body, to the beliefs you hold in your mind. Your answers are not found outside yourself. They come to you in the form of signs from your body, mind and spirit. Since your choices ultimately lead toward health or disease, your health becomes your responsibility.

The nature of healing recognizes that our nature is Nature. And if given the right tools, the body has the innate capacity to heal itself. The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet offers one tool on the road to healing. The book is separated into three sections: body, mind, spirit. While all aspects work together, you can choose to begin from any aspect. When to begin the journey is up to you. Just remember to enjoy the ride.

HEALING Beyond Pills & Potions: Core Principles for Helpers & Healers

HEALING Beyond Pills & Potions: Core Principles for Helpers & Healers ; Steve Bierman MD ; Gyro Press International 2020

HEALING Beyond Pills PotionsSteve Bierman M.D. received his undergraduate degree from UCLA and his doctorate from Northwestern University, School of Medicine. After completing his Family Practice residency at UCSD, he worked nearly 20 years as a board-certified Emergency Physician at Scripps Memorial Hospital, in Encinitas, California. He is the founder of two medical device companies and holds over 200 utility patents on various medical devices. Dr. Bierman has two daughters–Clea and Raquel– is an avid surfer and lives in Del Mar, California with his wife Dianne and their three pugs.

As an Emergency Physician, Dr. Bierman became renowned for performing painless procedures, like simple injections, laceration repairs, and even childbirth. But his studied words and gestures did far more than prevent pain, they also produced astonishing physical outcomes: dangerous heart rhythms converted to normal, hemorrhages arrested and constricted airways dilated.

In private practice, Dr. Bierman went further along “the communication continuum” to forestall auto-immune diseases, shrink deadly tumors, relieve depression and ensure bloodless surgeries. Many of his cures seem like miracles. And yet, as Dr. Bierman explains, they are the inevitable consequence of a new and expanded understanding of disease causality and the focused power of ideas to access our Healer Within.

Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change

Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change; Michael Arloski, PhD; Ed Peg Johnson & Robin McAllister 2014

Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle changeA foundational work in wellness and health coaching, Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change -Second Edition continues to be a leader in the field. It is the go-to book for independent coaches, health care professionals, and is often used as a text for college and university classes. The second edition continues to provide a comprehensive methodology combining the tenets of wellness with the principles of coaching. Each chapter has something new, drawing from the additional years of experience

Dr. Arloski has acquired since the publication of the original edition. He has woven this new wisdom seamlessly into the old, creating clear, easy to use best practices.  When asked what part of the new edition is most improved, Dr. Arloski points to Chapter 8: “This chapter has been completely revised based on what we've learned training thousands and thousands of wellness coaches around the world.  We are told over and over again that the Wellness Mapping 360 Methodology is what coaches find most valuable and in this new edition we've refined it much further. So many coaches just do "goal setting" with their clients. Here we show how to really co-create a fully integrated wellness plan for lasting lifestyle change.” The positive connection between the coach and the person who wants to make a change empowers the individual to recognize and draw on his or her own abilities and resources to make lasting changes for better health. Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change - Second Edition is the guide you need to make that connection to your clients.

Devenir acteur de sa guérison avec l’Accompagnement Thérapeutique

Devenir acteur de sa guérison, avec l’Accompagnement Thérapeutique - Dr Jean-Loup Mouysset; Mosaique santé 2020

Devenir acteur de sa guerison Dr Mouysset webDans un style clair, sans jargon scientifique, le Dr Mouysset nous livre les points forts de sa thèse de médecine, qui fait un état des lieux et décrit une base pour construire une nouvelle ressource en cancérologie disponible en France : l’Accompagnement Thérapeutique.

C’est sur ce nouveau concept, inspiré des découvertes depuis plus de quarante ans de la psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinologie, qu’ont été créés les centres Ressource, des lieux qui, hors du contexte médical, permettent aux personnes atteintes de cancer de bénéficier de soins de mieux-être (ostéopathie, réflexologie, esthétique, art-thérapie, etc.), en individuel ou en groupe (aquagym, sophrologie, yoga…), et de suivre le programme mis en place par le Dr Mouysset pour donner à chacun les meilleures chances de guérison. Les traitements anticancéreux traitent la maladie ; les soins de support atténuent ses conséquences et celles des traitements ; l’Accompagnement Thérapeutique prend soin de la personne. Une approche qui transforme les soins en donnant aux personnes touchées par le cancer la possibilité de devenir les maîtres d’œuvre de leur santé, en suivant pendant un an un PPACT (Programme Personnalisé d’Accompagnement Thérapeutique).

Et si la maladie n'était pas un hasard ?

Et si la maladie n'était pas un hasard ? Dr Pierre-Jean Thomas-Lamotte, LE JARDIN DES LIVRES 2008

Et si la maladie ntait pas un hasardEt si la maladie n'était pas un hasard ? Et si elle n'était que la réponse organisée par notre corps pour compenser nos petites et grandes déceptions émotionnelles de la vie ? Après avoir examiné des milliers de patients, le Dr Thomas Lamotte, neurologue français, a développé une approche différente des symptômes de ses patients : pour lui, la plupart des maladies que nous développons ont pour origine une émotion inavouée et le simple fait de comprendre ce mécanisme nous permettrait déjà de les éviter. L'expression populaire: "s'en rendre malade" trouve dans ce livre sa plus belle illustration avec les clés pour décoder nos déceptions et comment les empêcher d'agir sur notre corps.

"Quelques mois après son divorce, une femme développe un cancer du sein" "Un cadre supérieur vit dans la hantise permanente de ne pas répondre aux attentes de la nouvelle direction et se retrouve avec un ulcère à l'estomac." "Après une rupture sentimentale, un journaliste de 28 ans fait une crise cardiaque, inexplicable du corps médical, illustrant parfaitement l'expression «avoir le coeur brisé»." "À l'âge de quatre ans, le chanteur Ray Charles assiste impuissant à la noyade de son petit frère de trois ans. Six mois plus tard, il devient totalement aveugle." "Une femme est invitée à quitter son poste du jour au lendemain pour être remplacée par plus jeune qu'elle. En deux jours, elle développe une infection." «Un directeur de banque vit une prise d'otage. Quelques mois plus tard, un virulent cancer se développe"

The Healing Power of Faith: How Belief and Prayer Can Help You Triumph Over Disease

The Healing Power of Faith: How Belief and Prayer Can Help You Triumph Over Disease, Harold G. Koenig, Malcolm McConnell

The Healing Power of FaithAn infirm, lifetime alcoholic suddenly becomes sober and strong. A patient undergoing open-heart surgery amazes the doctors with a speedy convalescence. A cancer patient given only a few months to live defies the predictions. What accounts for such remarkable recoveries? Is it miracle or medicine? 
In this extraordinary book, Dr. Harold G. Koenig presents groundbreaking scientific evidence that provides answers to these puzzling medical mysteries.

You will read about the pioneering study that found nonreligious patients with heart disease to be three times more likely to die following surgery than their religious counterparts. You'll learn why saying prayers regularly can be as effective as taking medicine, and why prayer and medicine together are such a potent combination. 

Here you will meet the unforgettable patients who taught the doctors so much as they triumph over life-threatening disease, heartbreaking marital problems, dangerous addiction, and more. With simple, practical methods for harnessing the power of faith, this potentially lifesaving book provides an astonishing and immensely effective strategy for healing